Bo-Bett's Lord Of The Rings |
Am Ch. Sonseeahray's In Hot Pursuit |
Am Ch, JC, ROMX Starline's Reign On |
Am Ch. SC, FCh, ROM Hamrya's Lucky Charm
Am Ch, ROM Ringmaster's Gold Fever
Am Ch. Prophecy's Promises Promises |
Am Ch. Shilo's Satisfaction Gar N' Teed
Morshor's Calypso
Am Ch. Lake's Carry Beyond Music |
Am Ch. Lyon's Carry the Wind |
Am & Can Ch., FCh, ROMX Surrey Hill's Houston
Am Ch., ROMX
Misty's Sure to Tick
Bo-Bett's Beyond Infinity |
Am Ch. Bo-Bett's Red Rolls Royce
Am Ch. Bo-Bett's Gatorbait
DC Starline's Windborn Lil' Miss Sunshine |
SBIS Ch. Oxford 'N Starseeker Guiding Light |
Multi. Select Ch. Sunbeam Rembrandt of Endeavor, JC
Ch. Chelsea Where There's Smoke, ROM
Ch. Endeavor's Purple Reign, JC
Ch. Oxford Tobell What'initforme |
Ch. Chelsea Where There's Smoke, ROM
Ch. Tobell Oxford on Tour
BIS/SBIS Ch. Starline's Sweet Sensation |
BIS/SBIS Ch. Chelsea Made You Look of Sage,SC, ROMX |
SBIS Ch. Chelsea Gold Rush of Keynote, FCH, ROMX
Sage Simply Outrageous
Ch. Starline's Singular Sensation |
SBIS Am. Can Ch. Nausa Cacique
SBIS/BIS Ch. Starline's Claim to Fame, ROMX